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Cross your T’s, dot your I’s, know you’re Z’s from your Y’s

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Gen Z is not to be confused with the Millennial generation, in fact, they're often referred to as "post-millenials". There is no exact date that demographers agree on for when a generation begins and ends but typically, people born in the late 1990s to early 2000s are categorised as Gen Z.

Gen Z is different! 

They have grown up in times of progression, recession, uncertainty, changing norms and a world already captivated by the internet. Whether it’s living in a post 9/11 world for the majority of their lives (if not all of it), watching the world ‘crash’ through wide eyes, growing up with more  racial diversity and shifting gender roles than their parents, generation Z has experienced a lot of fluctuation and innovation from a very young age. The result appears to be mature, informed, resourceful, tech-natives with an eye for independence and entrepreneurship. Or as the IID research team put it “Generation Z appear to be much nicer than we expected… as a result of witnessing the struggles of millennial’s they have resolved to making different choices”.  

Interesting statistics: 

Hiremetrix is all about differentiating young people, not grouping them together so broad statements and statistics about a generation can sound simplistic and to a certain extent, they are. But the nature of looking at demographics is to be general for the purpose of spotting big picture trends. With that in mind, research from the Annie E. Casey Foundation found Generation Z had a:

  • 40% drop in teen pregnancy
  • 38% drop in drug and alcohol abuse
  • 28% drop in the percentage of teens who did not graduate on time from high school
  • 33% watch lessons online
  • 20% read textbooks on tablets
  • 32% work with classmates online
  • 25% of 13- to 17-year-olds left Facebook this year  

Gen Z & Hiremetrix

I’m really excited about the young adults joining Hiremetrix - just take a look at some of the brilliant candidates we have. Their videos show a contagious level of enthusiasm and passion when talking about the adversity they have overcome, the achievements they are proud of and the futures they see for themselves.

Interestingly, the highest scoring competencies amongst Gen Z’s on Hiremetrix are "Takes Responsibility" and "Considers The Business and It’s Customers”. Book in an online demo. We can filter our candidates by competency and personality scores, watch their video and audio answers, interact with them and hopefully, hire one!

Written By Michael - Founder at Hiremetrix


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